Linden Centre for Contemporary Arts
Flibbertigibbet, 2006. Dimensions variable. Fabrics, lights, lighting system, electronics, movement sensor, vinyl tape.
Flibbertigibbet was perhaps a Frankensteinien assemblage of mutated body parts, a crossbreed of “Hello Kitty’ rejects meets Dr Seuss gone wrong on a moonlit night, a frivolous and frilly congress of festival lanterns and butcher shop off cuts, a stripy pink organism seeking the caress of an eye…
The organism that caresses is not gathering sensations, gathering information, perceiving, is not a sense organ…Under the caress the substance and the life become(s) skin…It exposes its exorbitant materiality, unformed, uninformative, inoperative, inexpressive, provocative and teasing…The eye is adrift in the impermanence caresses.
Alphonso Lingis, Excesses: Eros and Culture.
Flibbertigibbet was shown as part of the Linden innovators program, season 1.